

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Starting Anchovies - ahh - Artichokes under a Light Bulb.

Had to show you my baby Anchovies - ahh - Artichokes! Took this about 5 minutes ago. Raising them with a 26watt fluorescent (100 Watts Equivalent Incandesent) light bulb in a goose neck-lamp. There were only 10 seeds in the pack for over $2! 9 come up and are now ready to tranfer into pots and into the Mini-Planter on the Patio - till I can plant them out in the garden or give them away.

How to Build a Worm Compost Box

I figured this might come in handy for those who know how to do simply carpentry. I have not built this box yet but being an amateur carpenter it looks solid and practical. Since this is not my article, I am providing a link to it.

Now if I can just find those dad-burn worms!