When is Winter Going to Start?
I went out yesterday to check on my plants wintering over in my Square Box Planters. Mostly Garlic, Asparagus and one single cabbage plant. Planted in a box with a Plant Guard on top wrapped in Chicken wire. I also have a plot for Herb experiments and a few odd plants here and there like Onions, Leek and even Wild Garlic.
It was a Gorgeous Day. A warm 55 degrees, almost perfectly calm. Not a cloud in the afternoon sky. I made a tour of my little garden and took a few pictures. Let me show you what I found on this nearly 4th week of January. I thought maybe I might do some bush trimming. the Butterfly Bush is getting Humungous in it's 4 year. My daughter wants some cuttings taken from it too. But I didn't have any tools in hand so I just decided to forgo that job For another day. I thought to myself, what can I show to my Friends on my Blog today? Everything's asleep in it's bed. waiting for Springtime to bring life back to the garden.
My 2 x 2 Square Box Asparagus Bed
For those who haven't ever been to my Blog, I am a garden experimenter. I like to try new things and check on old garden Wives tales and Tips. I like to keep up with the latest innovations in gardening as well. Here is a shot of my heavily mulched Boxes.
To the left is my larger 2 foot X 2 foot Box that contain about 250 or more 1 year Asparagus that I didn't have a plot prepared for. When fall came, here I had all these Asparagus plants in 3 inch pots still sitting on my patio waiting to be planted. What to do? I still had a new 2Ft. X 2 Ft. (48 x 48 cm.) Box that only needed to have my soil mix poured in and plants transplanted in. Hopefully, in the spring I will have a permanent bed prepared. I mulched a few leaves in last fall without covering the plants. Then when Winter arrived, I added a 3 inch layer of Wheat Straw and on top of that added another 2 to 3 inches of Leaves. Everything was covered in the Asparagus Box. On the Right of the picture, you see the start of a long row of 1Ft x 1 Ft (24 X 24 Cm.) Boxes. that hold new Garlic starts. In the early spring time around mid-march, I will start removing the top layers of mulch and hopefully, the first layer of leaves will be completely composted. I will not throw anything away, the top mulch of Wheat Straw and Leaves will end up on the compost pile.
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