This project started last winter on a drawing board. I've always wanted an Old Dodge City Garden Fence. I seen lots of them on "Gunsmoke" and I even visited "Boot Hill" when I was about 6 years old - They done a different kind of "planting" behind That fence. I still remember the pair of boots sticking out of the dirt - where an unknown "varmint" had been buried with his boots on. So they said....
Dodge City is almost straight west of Wichita, Kansas about 70 miles. Boot Hill is still there too I'll bet. Hopefully, I'll have some plans made up for folks in the not to distant future on how to build your own Old West Victorian Garden Fence. Now if I can just get MGM or Paramount to rent my Garden!
You can see my tomato guards in the background. I found several nice sized new tomatoes, "Pinks" on the tomato plants located out of this picture. However, I did find amazingly enough a few tiny tomatoes setting on the plants in the main tomato patch that you see in the background here. They were only put in a few weeks ago. Because of the constant rains in Central Kansas this year - and the Central Midwest in general -I was beginning to think I would never get my main crop of tomatoes in this at all this year! I will be showing you how I planted my tomatoes in grass (sod) this year. At the same time, I am removing the sod (and nearly pure clay "fill") and replacing it gradually with a mixture of good topsoil, compost and organic fertilizer. Next year I plan to move the tomato towers slightly and break-out a little more sod. Maybe. I do love mowing the grass between the derricks! I can't wait until a few weeks from now when the tomato plants are mature, tall, and filled out. What a site! I,ll post some pictures here.
If you like the fence please leave a comment here on the blog and if you want to keep up with this old guys musings, subscribe. It only takes a moment. Is easy, and I'll send you an e-mail to let you know when I have something new to say. Your address is safe with me. Noone else will be using it to send you Spam.
Now that most of my Big projects are finished including planting my garden which had to be worked in Edgewise, I have a whole list of interesting and useful articles to work up. Let me know how your garden is doing. If you have a funny garden story to tell, let me know and I will try to fit it in for everyone to enjoy. And give you the Byline. Pictures to.
Bye for Now!
GrandBobs Garden