Friday, June 25, 2010

A Potato Plant With "Fruit" on it! What?

I am hoping there is someone out there with more knowledge of growing potatoes than me. My potatoes are mature and the plants are dieing down. They are pretty much ready to dig now. However, on one of the dieing down plants, are 3 tomato shaped, ping-pong sized "Fruits" on it. What are they? Some kind of Potato Seed? I understand tomatoes and potatoes are related. Is this a TomTato?
I am attaching two pictures. The one with the brick gives you the relative size of the "Fruit".
OK. Some potato expert please clue me in. I have about 250 plants. This is the only plant with these on it. Should I call the FBI or the CIA or NSA? Are these Alien Seed Pods?    Dare I get near them....!!!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Current Radar Peek at our Weather -11:36 - and Potting Phenomena With HeatWave Tomatoes.

A peak at our weather. I bet we're going to get some of that stuff up in the Northern part of Central US. Although nothings predicted for today except Hot, Hot, Hot. I was late watering my small potted plants yesterday (Fathers Day). When I got home, it was just in the nick of time too ...
I have noticed a curious phenomena just this gardening season. ( I'm a little slow...)
In late April-Early May, I took several of my little (2-inch) Heatwave Tomatoes that I started, and put them out of my experimental "plant incubator, and set them directly in the ground in my hoophouse plot (by now uncovered).
I set them in one corner about 4 inches apart - about 10 plants - to grow until I could find a place to put them in the garden later this spring. I put the rest in small 2-1/2 pots to set out on my "Grow Table on the patio. These  on the table are now 8" to 12" plants and need to be planted NOW. However, there is a tremendous difference between the siblings set out in the hoophouse in Mid March and the ones still in the pots on the grow table. Pots definitely slow down growth in my experience. I figure it is due to not "upgrading" ever few weeks to larger pots. However, those in the hoophouse, are extremely crowded but are 4 times bigger than the ones in the pots.
The plants in the Hoop House ( still needing to be transplanted to a nicely spaced area in my garden, are at least  2 Feet Tall, sturdy, and starting to produce - even though they are jammed together in a 2 square foot space. Amazing difference even though they are all from the same batch that sprouted in February and grew to small plants in the "plant incubator".   (The "plant incubator" is an on going experiment in small-scale protective plant production - Outside - from about January to the first of June. )
Please feel free to ask any questions of what this all entails.
Here is a picture of how the plants in their paper trays look in the Plant Incubator before planting out into pots or directly into the garden patch:

Please feel free to ask any questions of what this all entails.